A Change in the Wind

Just as the wind blows changing directions, blowing gently, other times very strong, sometimes so still you can’t tell she’s there, as can our human experience change direction, blow calmly, or so forceful changing things in an instant, or be in a stillness with ourselves. The wind ushers in each new season, so goes our lives-ever evolving, changing, growing and in stillness. The wind cannot be controlled, however, within each of us is the wisdom as to how we will flow with the change the winds of our lives bring. Allowing ourselves to become one in truth within our heart and soul, aligning with our destiny. The unfolding of our lives with each passing season as the wind blows reminds me that change is always happening arounds us and to us.

” The answer, my friend, is blowing’ in the wind, the answer is blowing’ in the wind” Bob Dylan

Life and destiny

Throughout life we question ourselves as to what our true destiny is, what our soul’s purpose is for this lifetime. We let fears and doubts cast away those dreams we hold so tight. Recently, a family member passed away who had the courage to follow his heart and soul throughout his lifetime. I realized most of us may never experience such freedom to follow our hearts. We let life get in the way. We get in our own way. The connection to the heart and soul is undeniable. When you do listen to your heart, following the passions of your soul, life is good, very good! Opportunity knocks, doorways open to the infinite possibilities. The keys to opening these doors on our journey we hold inside ourselves. Faith, unwavering faith in yourself. You are a divine being of God, co-creating your destiny, soul contract, each and every magical day you are given on earth. Trust is an utmost significant key. Without trust, your faith may waiver. Trust that you are destined for great things in this lifetime. Each day, express gratitude for everything in your world and the blessing to come. Have Hope! Hope allows us to have faith and trust in the plan. Love. Love is the universal key. Coming from love in all your thoughts, words, actions is the way it can be. Surrendering and flowing with the universe, believe in yourself and the journey to your destiny with gratitude in your heart and coming from a place of love life, dreams will come true. Sit in silence, listen to the voice inside of you without judgement and hear what it is saying from your soul. Follow your bliss and live the life you dream of.

Love and blessings,


Turtle Moon Garden natural care products and more….

Welcome back, as it has been a moment in time in which I have had an opportunity to reconnect, rediscover, redesign, re-create my life. Not only in what I have been doing for “work” but for myself. With the changes occurring with Mother Earth and all us on the ride with her, I decided to stay grounded and on the path I have been on creating a sustainable life in these times. Just now, reading a headline of “Blood pressure drug recalled-Hypertension tablets may pose long-term cancer risk.” made me realize how important my products are in helping people heal naturally. All my products are derived from natural ingredients coming from Mother Earth herself. These plants from which medicines can be made to heal are from our creator. I trust Mother Earth unlike the Pharmaceutical industry or our food industry.

I connected recently with an on-line market called CenterMarkets.com where I will be selling my natural care products and other aromatherapy products May 1, 2022. These will include the Quiet Solace, Moisturizing creams-three base oils are Borage Seed oil, Hemp Seed oil and Jojoba, crystal infused roll on perfumes and more to follow. Thank you to my supporters and looking forward to the future.

I will also be at a couple events teaching about essential oils and hosting events this year.

So much love,

The craziness that surrounds us!

Wow, have you been keeping your seat belt on and letting go for this ride?  When visiting my daughter in March, the daily news began keeping track of the Covid19 cases in her home county as it was a “hot spot” zone and I ended up coming home with a sense of tread and anxiety.  At the same time period, our main employer of my home town, Penn State University decided to not allow students to return to campus- via remote learning now baby and then a domino effect went down.  Not only a “stay at home” order by our governor, our school district closed and remote learning opened.  Having three grandchildren living with me, this was going to be a task as we had already tried home-schooling which we decided to leave and enroll in public school after two months of trying.  So, this part of our new life style has been a challenge for me and the children. Other than that, much hasn’t changed for us.  I have always enjoyed gardening and growing our food.  This year I plan to do a lot more to have organic, wholesome foods for us this winter and beyond.  Homesteading can be accomplished if your heart is into it.  The chickens and other birds we raise are always( for me anyways) fun to watch, take care of and eat those delicious eggs each day.  The beehives are doing well and the weather (something else that is changing for us all) will cooperate soon and we shouldn’t have any more snow or frosts.  This is where my focus will be for this year, staying connected to nature, making the least impact on Mother Earth I can and keeping the family healthy, wealthy and wise.  Hopefully, some camping experiences too so long as we can travel.  This ride isn’t going to be over too soon, so please take care out there as by this fall we will see this ugly virus rear its head again.  At the end of this journey there will be light and a better world that is connected to Mother Earth in  new ways protecting her and creating less pollution and rape of her resources.  Let’s all become Keepers of the Earth one day at a time.  At this time, I have let go of the fear as it does us no good to dwell upon the chaos amid this crisis and to choose peace instead.  …………….

in love and light, Denise



A Dreamer

topless man jumping on body of water
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Pexels.com

( this is a dream place I want to experience)

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream…..

Singing these words the other day reminded me just how much life is filled with dreams.  Mine own and everyone on this blue planet has their own unique dream designed by them before we even got here! Our inherent desire is to live that dream through purpose and what truly brings us passion. Loving who we are and what we do.

I dream of a healthier planet for us all. A dream that 7 generations from now, those children are in a better place than we are in along with Mother Earth.

In love and light, Denise




Opening of a floodgate to the void…..

Yesterday, the words to describe how I was feeling were “opening of a floodgate to the void”. Contemplating what that meant for me is with the Winter Solstice upon us and practically at the same moment, a powerful full moon allowing each and everyone of us to reflect inside ourselves to truly discover what we are here to really do. Going into that dark void, one will re-emerge whole with a clearer meaning as to your true path. Living in grace and with compassion for Mother Earth and all it has to give us is my pathway to a simple life. Living in peace and in harmony with nature is only a part of me and this time I will honor all that is me and continue living authentically. Celebration of the Solstice and full moon is a ritual I enchant my world with. Perfect for letting go and just let it be!

Take time right now to create your life the way you want it to be. Let go of what you no longer want in your life and at the same time invite something new in. Courage to actually make my dream happen is what I am inviting to come to me. The void we pass through to emerge on the other side is scary, however, I trust the process and allow whatever it is to flow (fears, others, outside influences we don’t have control over, emotions) by until there is calm and we shine our light on the world brighter than before. Have a blessed weekend and happy holidays to all😘

Are you feeling it?

As I reflect on this past year as well as the past 15 years since the death of my husband, I trust in life’s process more than ever. All endings are new beginnings! This past year has me questioning where and how I would like to live my “golden years” as each day is more precious than the last. I visualize how each day waking up to my ultimate lifestyle, what that looks like and how it makes me feel. Then what step can I take towards that dream I ask myself. Of course, there are outside factors to consider as I am raising my grandchildren and with that responsibility comes great joy and lots of love and fun. I am raising them the way I always wanted to raise my children as a stay home mother. I trust in the divine timing of the universe and know someday it will be reality just like everything else that I have ever wanted in life has. Living simply is my motto and creating the smallest carbon imprint on Mother Earth I can is how I live now. What have you been thinking about lately? Love to hear from you ❤️

Simple gifts…..

During the holidays, I will express my creativeness through my cooking, baking and gift giving. I enjoy being in my kitchen and create some of the best meals ever and “goodies” as we call them. Everyone who has had the pleasure of eating my food knows how delicious and healing it is.

This dish is simple to make and so delicious. I try at least one new recipe every week if not more. garlic-ginger-glazed-sticky here is the recipe link on Pinterest.

Simple gifts to make.

This year I am going to make homemade gifts for others to enjoy throughout the winter or year. I like making the soup in a jar and desserts in a jar. Being an aromatherapist I often make gifts using natural ingredients and essential oils!

I also shop for gifts made personally by others instead of China/Walmart. Of course for the little ones, I will purchase games and bikes things like that for Birthday celebrations and Christmas Day. Otherwise, I am the one who creates gifts. Having an outlet for my creativity is the most rewarding part of the venture. Enjoy your time creating whatever it is you love creating!!😊

In these days…

I am at a loss of words when I look at the plight of Mother Earth and all her creatures great and small. I have witnessed, just in my lifetime so much destruction of land, air, water and wildlife and then I realize how man no longer provided just for his family or community but exploited and killed for the sake of money throughout our history. It saddens me to see animals become extinct. The use of pesticides and all poisons like that to kill our earth rather than heal her annoys the heck out of me.

I am a keeper of the earth. Together we can all be a force to help heal the earth and mankind. Our time is now to let go of the old energy of Pisces and allow the Aquarius energy begin to transform our future and the future of the next seven generations. It will all crumble first so be prepared. Then we will all be in a better place rebuilding with a more expansive connection to each other in love and harmony. For the greater good of all.

Glamping at Camp Taylor Campground in Columbia, New Jersey was awesome!

Traveling with three young children, I decided to make it easier for me and reserve a “Glamping tent ” at the Camp Taylor Campground where the Lakota Wolf Preserve is neastled on 10 acres within 350 acres of woods and a tree farm.

The folks at the campground are friendly and accommodating to all your needs.

The glamping sites have their own running water faucet which was super nice .

The size of the tent was a surprise as the comfort was too!

With outdoor porch area and a picnic table, fire ring and beautifully shaded site, we wee happy campers.

Highly recommend this campground. They offer it all!

We slept wonderfully.

Full moon night!

Evening upon us.

The highlight of this weekend was to visit the Lakota Wolf 🐺 Preserve! I am thankful there are individuals who dedicate their lives to preservation of wildlife such as Jim Stein and Becky Mace who began this venture 20 years ago!! Their website is http://www.lakotawolf.com😊

To reach the campground it is http://www.camptaylorcampground